Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Well, you are six today. I can remember when you were born, and thinking I couldn't even fathom you at six...and here you are. A very smart, caring, cuddly, beautiful little girl. Well, big girl. So far today, you've painted your own nails (I have let you pick red!), played with your sister, worked on your own little 'projects', and driven me crazy asking to see your birthday presents. You are officially a six year old girl.

I was terrified the day you were born, well most of the pregnancy, since my life changed so rapidly, and the pregnancy was tough. But six years ago at midnight, I started having contractions, I called your daddy during his hockey game and by the time he was home, they had stopped. So back to sleep we went, and at 5am, they came on again, this time it was off to the office to be checked and then right to the hospital. I was nervous, scared, but sooo ready for this child of mine to get out of me!  I was halfway dialated by 10 am, sure that you were going to come out within two hours. I was going to try and go 'all natural' and it was going ok, til I went from manageble pain to the worst I'd ever felt in about a minute.   You had other plans for us. 

You my dear, decided to quit this coming out business, pulled out from the south end and put your head facing the west...right under my ribs as the epidural wore off. Yes, I gave you and I drugs because it hurt like nothing I'd ever felt before. I had a few hours of rest while the entire family and friends were talking and waiting and watching me suffer, and then around 8 pm nothing new happened, and the Doctor came in to check, I was explaining your head was under my ribs, and the decision was made for an emergency c-section.  I was terrified at that moment.  I spent the next 30 minutes in a calm panic as did your Grandmother Pat. Your father, if he was scared, didn't show it. They hustled him off to get scrubs on and wheeled me down the hall to prep me. As they were taking me to the room, I decided my orange popsicles that I kept weaseling out of the nurses all afternoon, were not allowed to be inside me anymore. That was rather embarassing, but nothing they hadn't seen before.

At 9:10 pm, they had me all opened up, I heard the Doctor say "She's looking at us" and then there was a bunch of jostling, pulling and tugging, I felt your head slip out from under my rib cage and you were pulled out at 9:13pm. It took you a few seconds to start crying, and then you were quiet, and in your Daddy's arms for me to look at you. It was over and you were safe and warm and in his arms. It was about an hour before I could hold you since the meds took over my body. So everyone else got to hold you first. Daddy, Grandma Pat, Lyn and George, and an old friend of mine. 

When we got to the room that would be our home for the next few days til I could go home, you lifted your entire body up with your neck, got your first bath and I began nursing you.  In the middle of the night, you weren't sleeping, so I pulled you into bed with me much to the scolding I got from the nurses. But you and I slept most of the night like that. Last night, you were still in bed with me as the clock ticked midnight to tell me it was your birthday.  I love you. Here's hoping you don't drive me batty before you get your presents tonight!

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